


Posted on August 20, 2009 by promarengine

Mark Fellanto and Michele Payne were the recipients of the 2009 Q2 Enginetech Warehouse Award for their continued efforts in maintaining a very low discrepancy rate while increasing the volume of Enginetech products shipped daily.

Promar Engines has been our New Jersey warehouse since December of 2003 and was one of the first PER’s across the nation to join efforts in the distribution of Enginetech.

Not only being one of our top volume distribution centers, but also one of our top volume customers and continually maintaining one of the lowest inventory discrepancy rates.

The inventory is kept under lock and key and as Mark stated “there are only 2 keys to the gate. I have one and Michele has the other”.

All build sheets and Enginetech orders are pulled, packaged and shipped by Michele.

However, when Michele is not there, Mark does take care of the build sheets and orders while counting the days to Michele’s return!

From all of us at Enginetech, thank-you for all of your efforts and congratulations on a well deserved award!