


Posted on March 31, 2020 by promarengine

Dear Valued Customers,

We are all facing extremely difficult and trying times unlike anything we have ever faced before. The Covid-19 pandemic has caused the world as we know it to come to a halt. Most of our country, including New Jersey, has been put under a shelter-in-place order. Promar Engines has been deemed an “essential business” by the governor of New Jersey and is operating its sales department and production facility under our normal operating hours until further notice.

With that being said, the health and safety of our employees and customers is our top priority. We began taking precautions last month by closing our facility and warehouse to the public. Promar is following all recommendations from the CDC, local & federal governments in providing a safe work environment for our team including, but not limited to, ensuring proper separation between work stations, providing PPE and face masks to all employees, taking the temperature of anyone that enters our facility as well as encouraging frequent hand washing.

While Promar remains fully operational, we are working with a limited staff during these uncertain times, so please place your orders accordingly and allow a few days of additional lead time on certain orders. Promar continues to work extremely hard to supply all of your engine needs.

We want to thank you for choosing Promar Engines, and we truly appreciate your business. We hope you and your family remain safe and healthy. Please reach out to us with any questions or concerns you may have.